Startups Online Business Initiative
All-Inclusive Business Jumpstart Package…
Avner Integrated Resources Ltd has discovered that in spite of the challenges we as a people face, especially in Nigeria, we show inspiring resilience and determination to break out of the cycle of unfulfillment, emptiness and poverty.
[rev_slider_vc alias=”demoyour”]Avner Integrated Resources Ltd proposes to empower startups to develop new roles as income earners and community leaders. We plan to provide just 10 entrepreneurs a full professional branding package for as little as N150, 000. The package itself is called S.O.B.I (Startups Online Business Initiative).
S.O.B.I includes:
(1) A Fully functional website regardless of the area of business they are in.
(2) A logo design that best reflect what their business is all about.
(3) Domain registration and hosting for a year
(4) All in the shortest design & launch time ever
Young men and women in business can now easily build financial security and create stability for their families, look like the professional that they are, control the feel and look of their online business websites as they see fit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s included in the S.O.B.I Package
This includes everything needed to get your online business setup and looking great in the shortest period of time possible. It includes:
(1) A Fully functional website regardless of the area of business they are in.
(2) A logo design that best reflect what their business is all about.
(3) Domain registration and hosting for a year
(4) All in the shortest design & launch time ever
How long will it take to create my website, logo and all?
We’ll have it all ready in 12 business days (Starting from the day ALL your details and contents needed get to us
I have my own domain name. Can I use that?
Oh yes, you will only provide us access to your server (username and password) so we can build your website into this server.
How much does it cost?
Everything costs just N150,000
You’ll find that with us, this is but a fraction of what you’d pay a local web designer or firm. Plus, you receive professional quality and personalized support at Avner Unlimited, which you often won’t find elsewhere.
Can I make updates to the website my myself?
Yes. You will have the ability to log in and make edits to your site anytime you want. For example, changing menu items, photos, info – all very easy to do.
We have tutorials and videos available. And of course, we’re here to help answer questions anytime.
Will my website be for mobile?
Yes. Every page on your website is optimized for mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets.
So no matter where your customers are, and no matter which brand of smartphone they own, they can easily find your company, view your website, book an appointment, and place an order.
I want an e-commerce site, does the package include my payment gateway?
No it doesn’t, except its Paypal. Nigerian Payment gateways are mostly not free so we can’t incur the cost for that. What we do is advise you on the best and most cost effective payment gateway around. You’d be shocked at how inexpensive it is.
I’m interested, what are the things needed from me?
Now that you are ready to get it on, we will require these :
-content (the write up: about your company, mission & vision statements, corresponding pictures etc)
– social media handles (facebook, twitter, instagram especially)
-an idea of the model/layout design you want for your website (checkout our Project page for help)
-we handle the rest.